The Page's Webmaster
This is Sheri Coughran. On top of my job as a Domestic Engineer, Personal Taxi Service for my 6 children, PTA mom, Head Cook for 8 people, Laundry Maid, Art Connesuer (SP?), Janitor, Finance Manager, Courier Service, and Preschool Teacher, I do genealogy in my "spare" time. :) We are currently residing in Porum, Oklahoma, pretty close to the Eufaula Dam. I finally got the DSL at my house! I have been trying to get it for so long. Whew! I am still a little slow at answering emails though. I have an insanely busy life now for some reason, so I don't really get as much time to do things like genealogy or play on the computer as much as I used to. I have gotten so many wonderful and helpful emails from family and friends on this site. One thing that I did not know so many years ago when I first started was that on many of the sites, once you post something, it is there and there is no going back and correcting. So be careful if you get misinformation from anywhere. I am still getting emails from people wanting me to correct something from years ago, that I corrected and tried to update and even though it took my new files, it also kept my old ones. I have tried so many times to get them erased and reposted, but to no avail. My old computer crashed a few months ago, and it is being repaired. I am praying that they are able to save my ancestral file. If not, then 10 years of work will be almost lost. I didnt have a burner on my old computer and my file was too big to save on floppy. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
The Ancestor List
I have been working on my genealogy for about 8 years now, however, I have always loved digging up the past. I started with one name and it went from there. I have about 9,500 names now. I have so many surnames in my database that I can't possibly put them on here. However, I have some of my most prominent ones. Maybe we can connect.
A Names Aaron, Abbey,Abbott, Abernathy, Adams, Addison/ Adison, Adkins, Ainsworth, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Amator, Anderson, Andruss, Ansley, Anthony, Arick, Armstrong, Arnold, Arundel, Arvecost, Ashley, Askins, Atkins, Atkinson, Avery
B Names Baird, Baker, Ball, Ballard, Ballinger, Barnes, Barnett, Barr, Barrat, Barrett, Barron, Bartlett, Basham, Bass, Bassett, Battenfield, Battisoni, Bauer, Beale, Beams, Beard, Beatty, Bible, Bishop, Black, Bogard, Boursiquot, Bowles, Brown
C Names Campbell, Casteel, Cate, Chase, Chastain, Clayton, Clingan, Cloyd, Colyer, Cornelius, Cornett, Coughran, Courtney, Crawford, Cullen
D Names Daniels, Davis, Dent, Desjarrie, Dillworth, Downing, Dowsing, Dunnington, Durham, Durrett, Dyer
E Names Edwards, Eliot, Enlow, Estes, Eubanks, Eutsler, Everett
F Names Fairleigh, Farmer, Fields, Fischer, Fleenor, Fontaine, Foote, Frost, Frye, Funk
G Names Gabbard, Gaines, Gamble, Gann, Gentry, Gibson, Gifford, Gilbert, Gist Goff, Goodnight, Graham, Grant, Green, Griffin, Guess
H names Haigler, Hall, Hammonds, Harlan, Harned Harnett, Harrison, Hartley Hartsell, Haun, Hayes, Heaton, Henley, Hicks, Highfill, Hill, Hobbs, Hogan, Holmes, Hopkins, Hornsby, Horton, Houston, Howard, Hudson, Huff, Hughes, Hunter, Hurst
I Names Ingram, Irving, Isaacs
J Names Jackson, James, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Jordan
K Names Keen, Kesterson, Kittrell, Koewen
L Names Lathrop, Learwood, Lemons, Leverette, Lewis, Lindley, Litteral, Logan, Long, Lundy, Lutz
M Names MacKay, Magee, Magnum, Mangram, Manning, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathews, Maury, May, McCarty, McCracken, McCrea, McEachin, McGaffey, McGehee, McHaffie, McKay, McLure, McQueen, Metcalf, Miller, Million, Mills, Mitchell, Mixon, Monson, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Morrow, Morton, Moss, Motley, Mulkey, Munson
N Names Nation, Nicely, Nelson, Nicholson, Norton
O Names O'Briant, O'Neal, Oliver, Osbourne, Oswald, Owen
P Names Pace, Paden, Palmer, Parker, Parks, Parris, Parrott, Partridge, Patterson, Patton, Payson, Pearce, Pettis, Petty, Pipkin, Pitts, Poe, Poindexter, Poplin, Pointer, Post, Potter, Powell, Powers, Price, Pruyn, Pullen
Q Names Qualls, Quinn
R Names Rackley, Ramsey, Reed, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richardson, Riggs, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rockefeller, Rodgers, Rogers, Ross, Royall, Royce, Runnels, Rutledge
S Names Salmon, Sanders, Sanford, Scott, Searcy, Sellers, Shandy, Sharp, Shelton, Shepherd, Shrader, Simpson, Sixkiller, Skaggs, Skeen, Smalley, Smart, Smith, Soblet, Spencer, St. Clair, Staggs, Stanley, Starkey, Starr, Steed, Steele, Steen, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stinson, Stobaugh, Stovall, Stewart, Sullivan, Sweet, Sweetwater
T Names Talley, Tankersley, Tarrant, Taylor, Tate, Tedlock, Tensley, Thomas, Tomerson, Thompson, Thornton, Tilton, Toney, Trout, Truett, Truitt, Tucker, Tullis, Tullos, Tumlin, Turner
U Names Umberger, Underwood
V Names Vann, Vaughn, Vieux, Vignolo
W Names Wade, Wagenor, Waite, Wakefield, Walker, Ward, Wardlaw, Ware, Warren, Webb, Weekes, Welch, West, White, Whitlock, Whitson, Wickett, Wiley, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Winters, Wise, Wolf, Womack, Wood, Woolf, Wright
X Names
Y Names Yancey, Yarborough, Yeager, Yeates, Young, Younker
Z Names Zimmer
Like I said earlier, this isn't all of the names that I have, but it is a large portion. I hope that we can make a connection. Email me and let me know... :)
About the Family Roots
I have many sides of my family that come from so many different places. My immediate lines are: Ramsey- The Ramsey line originates from Scotland. There is a lot of history on this family. I have maps and an Histography of it. My father is Jack Ramsey. My mother is Rachel Davis Ramsey. The Davis line has been an eluding one. My particular line just happens to be of Cherokee Indian descent, making it harder to trace. My father's parents are Harrison Edward Ramsey and Dora Berneice Shelton. My Mother's parents are Jesse James Davis and Jewel Laverne Tankersley. I have concentrated on the Tankersley family for quite some time. The Tankersley's are from a town called Tankersley (Tancreslia), North Yorkshire, England. The names actually derives from putting words together. It literally means "Tanchere's Lea". Lea meaning Valley. It is unknown whether it is named after Mr. Tanchere, or vice versa. It is shown in documents that the town of Tankersley was a thriving town by the year 900 A.D. Now, there is still a Tankersley Parish, Tankersley Manor, and Tankersley Hall. The Parish and Hall are basically in ruins, but the Manor (Castle) is still being used today as a resort and meeting hall. My grandparent's parents are: Harrison Edward Ramsey is the son of Wade Hampton Ramsey and Ada Alice Vieux. Dora Berniece Shelton is the daughter of Hiram Hembrick Madison Shelton and Nettie Andruss Courtney. Jesse James Davis is the son of Thompson K. Davis and Sally Vern toney.
Jewel Lavern Tankersley is the daughter of William Russell Tankersley and Lela Rebecca (Lillar) Lindley.
Send me an email and let me know what you think and if we may connect
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